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Here´s a list of the events we have going on in our mission:



9am Sunday Service and Children´s Church





6pm Night Bible School 



6pm Prayer Meeting


Women´s Ministry

(twice a month)



Men´s breakfast

(once a month)

5pm Youth Group

Upcoming events

Schedule a mission group visit

If you´re interested in bringing a group on a missions trip, to San Luis Potosí, México, please click on the link below assigned for that. 


As an active mission needs may change from time to time, but here is a list of the most important.



This is probably the simplest way to support Global Hispanic Missions, but the most important because without prayer and the guidance of the LORD we can do nothing.

Building Projects

-School buildings: we are currently working on our campus complex...4 of our 7 buildings have been finished...we have a constant addition of students and our buildings keep filling up.

-Dormitories: since one of the focuses of our Mission is to train people from areas around us, from the States, or from other Hispanic countries in order to go out into the Mission Field...dormitories are part of the blueprints and plans of our complex in order to accommodate students and interns.

-Church building: we´re currently having church in one of our classrooms, but we keep growing in number...we are a total of 94 people. We barely fit in one of the classrooms, so we bought the land already for this purpose.

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